modern kilts

What Should You Contemplate Before Purchasing A Modern Kilt?

The modern kilts can be a cool and stylish alternative to trousers or jeans for daily wear, work, or an event such as a musical festival. Now that you’ve decided to at last decide to get your first modern kilt, there’re a lot of things to contemplate. What kind of fabric ought to you select? What ought to search for in fabrics, and how can a fabric affect how the kilt feels and looks after some washes? Do you desire [...]

Leather kilt

Everything You Need To Know About Leather Kilts

The latter-day kilts have really changed from the classic cloth and plaid wool garments that were carried centuries ago. Today, different kilt designers are making styles out of different exceptional materials that attract modern gents. One of the newest styles that come from the kilt manufacturers' workshops is the leather kilts. Keep on reading for learning more about them. The Basics of Leather Kilt for Men: If you don’t know the terminology, a kilt is a skirt that’s made for guys, [...]

Irish Tartan Kilt

Irish Tartans As A Symbol Of Pride Of The Celtic Culture

Tartan kilts are associated and originate from Scotland. They are a symbol of pride and honor for Scottish people. In fact, the kilt is the national dress of Scotland. But what many people don’t know that kilts are long-established in Irish culture as well. A kilt is a vital part of Irish culture, and people in both countries wear kilts during formal occasions. They are worn to celebrate the Celtic heritage of both countries. History of Irish tartan kilts: Well, there [...]

Scottish kilts

Scottish Kilt ; One Of The Most Recognizable Forms Of National Dress

When you think about Scotland, three things come to your mind bagpipes, haggis, and kilts. The most prominent of all is indeed the kilt. These are known as the national dress of Scotland. Kilts indeed have deep cultural and historical roots in the country of Scotland. A kilt is one of the most recognizable forms of national dress throughout the world. For a true scot, it is a symbol of honor and patriotism. A kilt is more often worn [...]

How To Wear A Kilt With Confidence And Pride?

No matter where do you live when you think of Scotland, the first image that appears in mind is “the Scottish kilt.” Kilts are a part of Irish and Scottish heritage and are worn to show off the pride of the nation. This iconic garment did not appear one day out of anywhere. It has a long tradition within the Celtic culture and steeped in a deep rich history. New to wearing a kilt? You are supposed to know how [...]

Cargo Kilt Makes Your Kilt Collection Stand Out

When it comes to national dresses, probably there is nothing that can even match Scottish kilts. Kilts are stylish, adorable, and cool. Wearing a kilt is more than just wearing a piece of cloth. For those who don’t know, a kilt is one of the most stylish and adorable cloth wear of Scottish people. The kilt has been implemented in the military as a uniform for decades. Scottish people wear kilts in day to day use or at special events. [...]

Highland Kilts Don’t Let You Fret About What To Wear

Scotland is one of the most naturally beautiful countries in the world. Besides the untouched beaches and spectacular golf courses that make Scotland famous are its traditional clothing- Highland kilts. Historically, kilts were worn exclusively by Scottish men. However, women these days also wear kilts to show their respect towards the Scottish culture. A kilt is a type of clothing similar to a skirt. It is an integral part of Scottish culture and heritage as it is descended from the [...]

What is a tactical kilt? is the kilt Irish

What is a tactical kilt? is the kilt Irish

Kilts are arguably the most comfortable garment a man can ever think of wearing. Kilts have been the Scottish icon for many years. It is not just a piece of tartan cloth. In fact, it is the National Dress of Scotland. The history of kilts goes back to the 16th century when a knee-length pleated wrap skirt was made for men in the wool tartan material. In the beginning, the kilts were the large piece of clothes worn as cloaks. [...]

How to Rock A Kilt While Preserving Your Modesty

Kilt- With pleats at the back, a type of knee-length non-bifurcated skirt has been worn since the 16th century. You might have seen Scottish males wearing a cloth that looks like a skirt with tartan patterns. You wondered why the hell a man is wearing a skirt. Just say that word to a Scottish man and get ready to be punched right in the face. I am not kidding. The kilt is not a “SKIRT.” It is a traditional outfit/dress of [...]